Enjoy the lives of the Troy Stoddard family! What our family lives by is this: "Whatever it Takes"! So have fun looking in on a peek of our busy lives!
Legs Legs Legs. Well I guess that's an obvious statement knowing that she belongs to you. Her solo is so cute. I just love your choreography, your so creative, i don't know how you do it. Oh and Lisa "wanna be on top" I think your America's Next Top Model fo sho. I am addicted to that show so I will be waiting to see you next season. Hope all is grrrreat!! Love ya later!
Hi Lisa! I totally love the pictures of you! You and your family always have so much fun together! I also can't believe how fast your kids have grown up! It seems just like yesterday that I was tending Taelor and now look at her! Can I add you to my list of friends on my blog? I won't add until I hear from you!
Lisa- I saw your sight off of Brit max... I just love your little girls dance, you should chck out our little family! mleviefamily.blogspot.com (This is Alexis (Valgardson) Levie!!!
You are so dirty. . .I will be honest I didn't even notice where he put the Hot Dog, but now you say that I am just dying inside, I bet tons of people noticed and thought I was a dirty little girl!!! haha!! Anyways, Love ya, we miss you guys like crazy!!! One more month till HAWAII!!! WAhoo!
Legs Legs Legs. Well I guess that's an obvious statement knowing that she belongs to you. Her solo is so cute. I just love your choreography, your so creative, i don't know how you do it. Oh and Lisa "wanna be on top" I think your America's Next Top Model fo sho. I am addicted to that show so I will be waiting to see you next season. Hope all is grrrreat!! Love ya later!
Hi Lisa! I totally love the pictures of you! You and your family always have so much fun together! I also can't believe how fast your kids have grown up! It seems just like yesterday that I was tending Taelor and now look at her! Can I add you to my list of friends on my blog? I won't add until I hear from you!
I jumped on your site to see if you had updated your blog yet...and to my surprise...you hadn't! Love you!
What a TERRIFIC family!!! Lucky me, I get to be TaeLor's teacher this year! I'm sad that we only have about 3 wks left...
I couldn't pull up the video of TaeLor's dance. (Her other pics are adorable though!) Just email me and I'll try to watch it again, ok?
THANK YOU soooo MUCH for being such an involved mom!!! You and Troy are such AWESOME parents! No wonder your children are like they are!
I saw your sight off of Brit max... I just love your little girls dance, you should chck out our little family! mleviefamily.blogspot.com (This is Alexis (Valgardson) Levie!!!
Lisa, it is time for a new post!!! You've had all this time off and I'm sure you've done some fun stuff to talk about!!! Love ya!
You are so dirty. . .I will be honest I didn't even notice where he put the Hot Dog, but now you say that I am just dying inside, I bet tons of people noticed and thought I was a dirty little girl!!! haha!! Anyways, Love ya, we miss you guys like crazy!!! One more month till HAWAII!!! WAhoo!
Very Interesting.
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